The Training Doctor

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Are you stuck in a rut?

Do you ever feel, as a trainer, you are doing things by rote? You understand and implement ADDIE in your sleep. You can make PowerPoint sing. You rattle off the 5 levels of training evaluation and know who actually created level 5….

Every once in awhile, it’s nice to think outside the box. When we are doing our day to day work it’s hard to take the time to think “Iis there a better way?” or “What’s next?”  That’s why we like these “think-tank” blogs (think tank is our label) – because they make us say “Now THAT’s a new way to look at or think about training!” and they get our creative juices going again…  check them out…

Big Dog Little Dog

Currently there is a diagram of the “continua of learning” – pretty impressive

Will at Work

Combines practice with theory and research and is presented in a really engaging way – in other words, you’ll “get” it


Jane Bozarth is the most acerbic wit you will ever find, combined with a solid understanding of what training can and cannot do.