The Training Doctor

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Case Study - Malls of America - a Vanishing Behemoth

Malls used to be THE gathering place. You could shop, dine, go to the movies - even ride a roller coaster (at Mall of America) - now they are sitting vacant and decaying.  What happened?

Was it online shopping (why go shopping when you can order merchandise to come to YOU)?

Myspace and Facebook (why leave the comfort of your couch to meet-up with friends)?

Were the retailers responsible for bringing traffic to the mall? Or the mall responsible for bringing traffic to the retailers?

Examine these and other weighty questions that focus on:

  • Finance
  • Competition
  • Risk
  • Forecasting

Download the handout here and put it to use in your next leadership meeting or workshop.

If you'd like other case studies, just filter for "case study" in the lower right of this page.

UPDATE: As of the end of the first quarter of 2019, six-thousand retail locations were set to (or already had) closed in America - more than in ALL of 2018.