Dare to Compare
Training Magazine and Wilson Learning Worldwide recently completed a survey of 544 learning practitioners, surveying how well the respondents felt the L+D department was achieving its objectives, what modes of training delivery they felt were worthwhile, and whether they were considered a strategic partner of the business or not. The summary categorized L+D organizations as "Strategic," "Emerging," or "Lagging".
Here are some of the interesting results:
Strategic L+D departments are more likely to:
Speak about L+D as an investment rather than a cost
Have executives involved in program launches
Mention learning in the company's annual report
Take an active role in reviewing L+D initiatives
On-the-job training and formal classroom training were the top 2 preferred delivery methods across all three spectrums. The least effective delivery methods were learning libraries, mobile learning, social media, MOOCs and self-paced printed manuals.
The summary of the article suggests ways that L+D departments can become more strategic. See the article here.
It is definitely worth the read - especially if you'd like your organization to become more strategic.