The Training Doctor

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Don't forget to cut of the ends of the ham!

Are you familiar with the story of the woman who, for years, cut off the ends of her ham before baking? When her daughter asked her why, she replied, "That's what MY mother always did." When the granddaughter asked the grandmother why she cut the ends off the ham, the grandmother replied, "Because my pan was too small to fit a large ham." <insert chuckle here>

Seems we have experienced the same phenomenon in e-Learning.  We've been forced, all these decades, to create "click next to continue" e-Learning because of constraints of Flash and the fact that the scroll wheel on the mouse had not yet been invented.  

Now, with the advent of "drag your finger down," technology, the format of e-Learning is ready to be set free from its 800 x 600 box.I

nteresting insight here - quick read.