Free and Low Cost Training Resources, cont.

Day 4

Finally, the use of coaches in the workplace is a well-used training strategy. A coach is typically a more senior person who is paired with one or more junior people and who is responsible for championing that person’s professional development. For instance, a partner in a law firm would take “responsibility” for an associate’s professional development within the firm.  One organization uses coaches as a way to monitor employee development by requiring the coach to sign off on any professional development requests of their coachee. In this way the coach serves as a guidance counselor or sorts, for the purposeful development of their charge. 

One of the easiest ways to increase the quality of training in your organization is simply to formalize the informal training that’s already occurring on a daily basis. By implementing just two or three of the suggestions in this series, you can increase the quality of your training offerings without incurring any cost whatsoever.