Brain Matters: Interview with Margie Meacham



An interview with the author: Margie Meacham

What motivated you to write this book?

I was really inspired by my clients. They were frustrated that so many articles about neuroscience didn't really provide actionable advice. They wanted something that would give them practical ways to apply neuroscience to their roles as learning professionals. After looking in vain for such a resource, I decide to write one for them.I

f you could distill your message down to just one - what would it be?

Every person alive has an amazing potential for growth and change. All we have to do is harness the power of our amazing brains. 

How can trainers use this book to assist them in the work that they do?

There are two ways to read the book. You could read it the usual way, from cover to cover, or you could open it to the chapter that is most important to you at the time. The book is divided into different topics that are applicable to adult learners in the workplace, so you can turn to a specific chapter and get the information you need. I've also included references at the end of each chapter for those who want to dig deeper.

Do you have a personal motto that you live by?

My personal motto is "Survive and thrive to stay alive." It reminds me that our brains are built for survival, which explains why they work the way they do. In order to thrive, we need to remember this survival imperative and use our brains to the fullest to continue to thrive and stay alive.