One Idea for Developing Leaders From Within

Read an interesting article recently about the rise and fall of Circuit City. One of the things that struck us as quite brilliant (during the " rise" portion of the article) was that store managers were awarded bonuses for every store manager they "raised". What a great way to ensure you promote from within as well as ensuring that individuals do not work hard to maintain control of their "empires."  The more people a store manager could groom to become a future store manager, the more money they could earn! Brilliant.

On the "fall" side of the equation, the author, who worked for decades in senior management positions at Circuit City, cautions organizations who are thinking of cutting their training offerings, to use Circuit City as an example of why that is such a bad idea. The author, (Tom Wulf), states that one of the reasons Circuit City was so successful for over 20 years was because of their extraordinary training programs. And, like many companies, when their finances began to suffer, they cut the training  which - in the author's opinion - contributed even more to the decline of the organization.