Marketing the Training Function

If your company already has an internal newsletter, speak with the editor about writing a regular training column. If no such newsletter already exists, you can easily begin your own e-newsletter using your internal email system.

Ensure that anything sent from the training department is engaging and helpful in performing one's job. Don't just send a calendar of events. Training tips might be about software applications, management practices, or on-the-job-skills that are unique to your organization. Keep the tips short and how-to oriented so that recipients clearly see the value of reading your e-newsletter.  You can start with a helpful tip, and then provide a calendar of upcoming events. This format helps to ensure that your messages get opened (because one never knows what this week's helpful tip will be) and once recipients begin reading, your hope is that they will read the entire message, including the calendar of events.

Here's a "tricky" tip: Consider having a "for manager's eyes only" tip - which of course everyone will read. You are subtly training future managers.