The Training Doctor begins its 22nd year!

June marks the start of The Training Doctor's 22nd year of providing customized instructional design services. My. how times have changed...When TD first started:

  • We used overhead transparencies and color printers were not invented. If you wanted to really jazz up your overheads you’d color them in with markers!

  • The internet had barely been invented – and we surely were not teaching people “online”

  • Training was done in person, when you got enough people to hold a class

  • Trainers flew here and there to go where the students were

  • We wore suits when we taught (we wore suits when we went to work!)

  • If we wanted to bring our computer with us on a trip, we, uh, didn’t. How would you travel with a 15 pound machine?

  • Cell phones were called “car phones” and looked just like the phone on the wall in your kitchen – only it was attached to the console of your car! Really RICH people had one the size of  a shoe that they could take anywhere

What do YOU remember from 20 years ago?  Add a comment!