Training Industry Report

Training Magazine recently published its Training Industry Report. Interestingly, in cleaning our offices over the holiday break, we happened to find the same report from 2010. 

Let's compare....

2010  Salaries down $2,338,

2012 Salaries down $8,000

2010 Companies spend  $1041 per 41 hours of training per learner             

2012 Companies spend $1059 per learner per 40.1 hours of training                    

2010: 32% of respondents budgets decreased                     

2012: 22% of respondents budgets decreased                

2010: 22% executives get training

2012: 10% executives get training

Other comparisons:

Online learning tools or systems remained the largest expected expenditure in both years

Management and supervisory training was projected to be the mostly widely funded topic in the coming year

Instructor led training (classroom) is the #1 delivery method both years

The topic which utilizes online learning the most is Mandatory + Compliance training

Of all learning technologies, virtual classrooms were used the most in 2010 and learning management systems the most in 2012