Want to test your cognitive abilities?

TestMyBrain is a not-for-profit initiative dedicated to collaborating with citizen scientists throughout the world by providing measurement tools that allow people to engage in science and learn about themselves.  Currently the organization has tested over 1.5 million individuals in over 240 countries / territories. 

Recent findings have identified that our cognitive abilities change as we age - and can tell you when you'll be the smartest.

If you'd like to participate, you'll not only be advancing research but you'll receive personalized feedback too (you'll see how you compare to the "average" person) !Tests change frequently, depending on the research being conducted and, sometimes, as the tests are being refined, the test itself may change from one day to the next.

Currently the website has tests for facial recognition, the ability to concentrate for periods of time and multiple memory types, among others.  Begin testing YOUR brain today at: www.TestMyBrain.org

Note: this research was started by Harvard University but is now supported and managed by the nonprofit Many Brains Project, the Laboratory for Brain and Cognitive Health Technology at McLean Hospital & Harvard Medical School, and the Human Variation Lab at Wellesley College.