Training Magazine Industry Survey round-up

Training Magazine has released, in its November / December issue, the results of its 2011 industry trends survey. Some interesting factoids:

  • The types of training products and services organizations intend to purchase in the next year: Low: Web 2.0; High: Online learning tools and systems.

  • Number of trainers per 1,000 employees: roughly 10 – give or take one or two (it is dependent on the size of the overall organization – interestingly LESS trainers at larger organizations).

  • The only industry that reports it significantly increased its budget for training in 2011: Retail and wholesale. Most industries reported their budgets were roughly the same as the year before.

  • Instructor-led, classroom-based training still leads the pack when it comes to delivery modalities. Nearly 42% of organizations reported utilizing instructor-led training (up from 27% last year).

  • The delivery methods least often used for training purposes: PodcastsEPSS (Electronic Performance Support Systems); LCMS (Learning Content Management Systems)

  • The topic which utilizes online training the most: Mandatory / Compliance training