What if EVERYBODY could see our feedback?

Here's an interesting idea... Do you remember earlier this year when Dominoes posted their real-time feedback on a ticker in New York's Time Square?  Real, in the moment, comments about consumer's crusts, cheese consistency and warmth of their pie would show up, uncensored, for all to see. Dominoes said it was a way to show (and uphold) accountability to the consumer.

You are familiar, no doubt, with those audience polling devices that allow us to interact with a presenter at conferences. The presenter says "Which do you think is more important to the future health of the United States? a) reigning in the national debt? b) ensuring  the health of the car manufacturers?"  And we, in the audience, use our "clickers" to vote A or B.

Well... what if we combined those two concepts and got our course evaluations, in real time, for all to see?  Would it change or improve the way we conduct or deliver training? Would it ensure our participants gave more thoughtful, actionable responses?  The responses would still be anonymous, but we would see (EVERYONE would see) the feedback about the class, the moment it is finished.