The two-day Succession Blueprint is held at your location (or an offsite) and involves your entire senior decision-making team.

This kind of strategic planning requires the collaboration and buy-in of everyone who has the ability to shape your organization’s future.

We will guide you through an intense and strategic process that examines how vulnerable your organization is to a loss of leadership; who is potentially in the pipeline for future-leader roles; what your business goals are for the next 3 - 5 years and what skills and capabilities will be needed to get you there; and when and how to elevate people’s skills, if necessary.

At the end of the two days, we go away for two weeks, working through what we learned and created with you, and delivering a plan of action for building your leadership pipeline, to achieve your organizational goals. You can follow the plan on your own or engage us to assist and advise.


2025 Dates Available for Succession Blueprints:

March 3-5

April 7-9

May 5-7

June 2-4

August 4-6

September 8-10

October 6-8

November 3-5

December 1-3